A debiasing option is available through the API for forecasts and historical reanalysis data to localize our forecast to the sub-grid level. The debiasing feature uses quality-controlled weather station data to correct the gridded forecasts if a station is available within the grid.
<aside> 💡 Note: Bias correction when using forecast time series only applies to the values and values-by-quantile fields of temperature, wind speed and precipitation variables, and when frequency is weekly or monthly. Bias correction when downscaling applies to the temperature (average, min, max), wind speed, and precipitation variables.
Below is a sample API requests to make it easy to copy, paste, and modify.
Downscaling to a single point with debiasing:
For each variable , three variables will be returned in the output when debias=False. A fourth variable will be added when the variable is temp, wspd or precip and debias=True, which will be “Variable name_bias_correction”.
Variable | Description |
variable name | Bias corrected variable prediction |
variable name_anom | Deviation from 30-year climatology. This value is not impacted by debiasing |
variable name_clim | 30-year climatology. This value is not impacted by debiasing |
variable name_bias_correction | Bias correction factor. This is an additional variable when bias correction is enabled (debias = True). The bias correction factor is calculated on a monthly basis based on the difference between ERA5 historical averages and the nearest observation station. |
Therefore, using temp, daily mean temperature:
temp = temp_clim + temp_anom + temp_bias_correction
If you want to reconstruct the original temperature before bias correction:
temp = temp_unbiased - temp_bias_correction
<aside> 💡 Note: The temperature bias correction factor is additive. Wind, sun, and precipitation bias correction factors are multipliers.
The debiasing system currently uses two global observation datasets. The system will select the closest observation station for debiasing.