You can easily explore available data layers through an interactive dashboard.
The navigation bar at the top of the Salient dashboard includes the following options (access depends on your license permissions).
The profile icon is located in the upper right corner of the page and contains the following options.
Choose a forecast model version. Forecast versions are stable releases. Current and prior forecast versions will only receive hotfixes for bugs, with any improvements or upcoming changes being documented and released in the next version.
You can view or enter the API key of your account by clicking on the Profile icon in the upper right corner. This key associates your username with a customer account and associated data access permissions.
Log out of your session.
The left hand panel contains filter criteria applicable to the selected tab.
Fixed | Adaptive
If the colorscale is fixed, the range will remain constant across different views. A fixed colorscale is useful when you want to the value of a color to be the normalized when comparing different timescales or different regions.
If the colorscale is adaptive, the range will adapt to the minimum and maximum values for the current map.
Lower |Upper Range
Optionally choose a lower and upper range for the colorscale and Tab to apply the settings.