A weather risk management solution, the Weather Risk API enables you to monitor weather hazards based on custom thresholds using a probabilistic view of different risk levels. You can customize the intensity thresholds that define high-impact weather events (including rain, wind gust, heat, and cold). Similarly, the categorical risk levels defined by the probabilistic likelihood of reaching these intensity thresholds can also be customized. Outputs can be plotted geospatially (NetCDF) or as a csv. The Risk tab is the web interface for displaying the results of the Risk API.

General Parameters

API Parameter Required (Y/N) Description
API Key Y Salient-issued API key
Timescale Y daily: Monitor for weather risks up to 35 days in advance sub-seasonal: Monitor for weather risks up to 5 weeks in advance.
region Y* The accepted regions are: global, usa, brazil, north-america, south-america, europe, africa, russia, asia, and south-pacific. Enter either region or shapefile.
shapefile Y* Name of shapefile uploaded to your account via /upload_file. See Upload Shapefiles for additional information on how to upload files.
units N Units of measurement. Default output is metric units
date N Default value is the most current forecast. Accepts a date as yyyy-mm-dd, e.g. 2022-07-18 or a date and hour in Z Time (UTC) as yyyy-mm-dd hhz, e.g. 2022-07-18 06z
periods N Number of forecast periods to analyze. Default value is 15 for daily; 5 for weekly
duration N Number of consecutive days over which the risk threshold must be observed. This option is only available if the timescale is Daily. Default value is 1
format N The format of the output files. Default is NetCDF. Simplest format is .csv so setting format=csv is recommended. Note: ee is a Salient internal format.
risk_level_type N The type of risk to evaluate: Relative or Absolute Risk. Use either relative risk or probability. If you enter a custom value for the absolute probability, this value will be applied across the entire timescale, i.e. all days or all weeks.Relative risk is not available for multi-day thresholds.
risk_level_high N Reference value for high risk level. For relative risk, the default value is 2x the climatology probability of occurrence. For absolute risk, the default value is a 33% chance of occurrence.
risk_level_medium N Reference value for medium risk level. For relative risk, the default value is 1.75x the climatology probability of occurrence. For absolute risk, the default value is a 18% chance of occurrence.

Threshold Parameters using Values

API Parameter Required (Y/N) Description
value_variable Y Weather variable to evaluate
value_condition Y Available options are greater than (ge) or less than (le)
value_threshold Y Variable threshold to use (e.g. use 32 for 32°F)

Threshold Parameters using Anomalies

API Parameter Required (Y/N) Description
anom_variable Y Weather variable to evaluate
anom_type N Value or Percentile (default is value). Define a threshold using an anomaly value or percentile relative to climatology.
anom_condition Y Available options are greater than (ge) or less than (le)
anom_threshold Y Variable threshold to use (e.g. 10 or -10)

Threshold Parameters using Value and Anomalies

Available for Timescale=Daily and Risk Level Type = Probability


Select a weather variable associated with the hazard you want to monitor. The options available depend on the selected timescale.

Output Formats

Examples of API Requests

