Temperature Examples

Risk Variable Description Above/Below Option Value
Heat stress Temperature Risk of temperature above 95℉ Above Value 95℉
Freezing Temps Temperature Risk of temperature below  32℉ Below Value 32℉
Abnormally Warm Temperature Risk of warmer than normal temperatures exceeding +5℉ Above Anomaly Value +5℉
Abnormally Cool Temperature Risk of cooler than normal temperatures exceeding -2℉ Below Anomaly Value -2℉
Extreme Heat Temperature Temperature in the top 10th climatological percentile Above Anomaly Percentile 90
Extreme Cold Temperature Temperature in the bottom 5th climatological percentile Below Anomaly Percentile 5

Precipitation Risk Examples

Risk Type Variable Description Above/Below Option Value
Flood risk Precipitation Risk of rain exceeding 50mm/day Above Value 50mm
Drought risk Precipitation Risk of rain below 3 mm/day Below Value 3mm
Abnormally wet Precipitation Risk of wetter than normal precip exceeding 2mm/day Above Anomaly Value 2 mm
Abnormally dry Precipitation Risk of dryer than normal temperatures exceeding 2mm/day Below Anomaly Value 2 mm
Extreme precip Precipitation Precip in the 90 to 95th climatological percentile Above Anomaly Percentile 90
Extreme dryness Precipitation Precip in the 5th to 10th climatological percentile Below Anomaly Percentile 10

Wind Risk Examples

Risk Type Variable Description Above/Below Option Value
High wind risk Maximum Wind gust Risk of wind gust above 15(m s-1) Above Value 15 (m s-1)
Wind drought Wind speed 10m Risk of wind speed 10m below 5(m s-1) Below Value 5 (m s-1)
Abnormally windy Maximum Wind gust Risk of wind gusts exceeding normal by 2 (m s-1) Above Anomaly Value 2  (m s-1)
Abnormally low wind Wind speed 10m Risk of less wind than normal by 2 (m s-1) Below Anomaly Value 5  (m s-1)
Extremely high winds Maximum Wind gust Wind gusts in the 90 to 95th climatological percentile Above Anomaly Percentile 90
Extreme wind drought Wind speed 100m Wind speed in the 5th to 10th climatological percentile Below Anomaly Percentile 10