- Customers often ask us "how accurate are your forecasts?"
- Many commercial engagements begin with a validation process to build confidence
- Salient calculates and releases skill scores with every model release
- This guide shows you how to reproduce and understand Salient's internal skill score calculations
- If you're starting to work with Salient, this recipe can accelerate your testing
- The follow-on step is to demonstrate business value by testing Salient's forecasts in decision-making
Validating vs ERA5
- Salient evaluates probabilistic forecasts using the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS):
- We calculate CRPS for Salient and other forecasts and publish skill scores for our customers:
- Calculating skill is part of our product development and improvement process
- Every variable, timescale, lead time, and lat/lon point has a unique skill score
- The easiest way to see Salient's skill metrics is visually in the dashboard's "Skill" tab
- All precomputed skill scores are also available via the hindcast_summary software development kit (SDK) function
- Reproduce the methodology that calculates Salient's skill scores with this process:
- Start with the validate Python notebook in salientsdk [get it now]
- Download all forecasts since 2015, for both the Salient model and a "reference" model for comparison
- Note: Salient's models are trained on pre-2015 data, so these forecasts are out of sample with no leakage of truth into the model training
- Download historical ERA5, which will be the "truth" for the CRPS calculation
- Calculate skill ****to the Salient forecast using the included SDK's crps function
- Also calculate a CRPS for the reference model
- Calculate relative skill with the SDK's crpss function to quantify the improvement of the Salient forecast over the reference.
- (Optional) Compare your hand-calculated skill score to the hindcast_summary precomputed scores. If you set split_set="test" in the notebook your locally calculated scores will match the precomputed scores.
- Customize your validation by changing flexible control parameters:
- Variable: temperature, precipitation, wind speed, solar irradiance
- Timescale: weeks 1-5, months 1-3, quarters 1-4
- Compare: Salient blend vs. climatology, NOAA GEFS, ECMWF ENS, or ECMWF SEAS5
- Location: any vector of lat/lons, or a polygon shapefile
Key takeaway: Reproducing Salient's skill methodology empowers you to understand their origin and build confidence in the process.
Validating vs Met Station Observations
- Some customers prefer to validate Salient's forecasts against on-the-ground weather station observations as the source of truth, instead of the ERA5 reanalysis dataset
- Because ERA5 assimilates multiple inputs over a large geographic area, it may not perfectly represent conditions at a specific point
- First, you'll need a source of observed meteorological data. You can use proprietary tabular data or via the included function get_ghcnd
- Use the function make_observed_ds to format daily tabular station observations into the same xarray.Dataset format returned by Salient's historical ERA5 function
- (Optional) Compare the historical observation-ERA5 bias to characterize the magnitude and consistency of differences
- (Optional) Calculate the skill of the native Salient forecast (trained to ERA5) with the observation stations as truth. This establishes a baseline to show how much debiasing can improve the forecasts.
- Download historical debiased forecasts since 2015, which represent the native Salient forecast with a debiasing factor to match GHCN observations